Why We Pray

In James 5:16, the Bible commands us to pray for one another. We desire to see every person at Northside develop an intimate relationship with God through a personal prayer life, as well as corporate prayer with fellow believers. We grow in prayer through groups, Bible studies, sermons, and praying for one another throughout the week and on Sundays before and during the worship service. Prayer invites the power and presence of God into our lives to accomplish His plans and purposes. 


Welcome to Northside's prayer wall. You are welcome to share your prayer requests with the community here, write an anonymous prayer request, share a prayer request with the church staff only, or pray for other prayer requests on this page. We are all one community. Nobody prays alone. Please share your prayers and prayer requests with us as we strive to encourage and uplift one another. 


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You


Hey i have been going through a major illness since may now unfortunately it has effects me mentally and now the doctor has put me on a different medication and it is finally starting to work but right now progress is slow but but now I am finally to start feeling better especially about myself and I am over most of the illness but unfortunately it has left me with some health problems but now I am finally able to get a new team of doctors who are trying to figure out what is going on and how to help me get better but 3 doctors are in agreement that one of the problems that I am having may never be able to drive again again but I simply refuse to give up at this time so please pray for me that if is Gods will that I will fully be healed and that I will keep the promise that I made to God and make the lifestyle changes that i promised to make that will keep me from getting sick again thanks


Please say a prayer for my husband Jamie. Tomorrow night he's going to stay at the sleep center at the hospital so they can monitor his sleep apnea. He's staying over night tomorrow night an won't be home until Tuesday morning. 🙏❤️


Please say a prayer for my husband Jamie. Tomorrow night he's going to stay at the sleep center at the hospital so they can monitor his sleep apnea. He's staying over night tomorrow night an won't be home until Tuesday morning. 🙏❤️


Please, pray for Jason, Cale, Michele, Jacque’s salvation/rededication and for Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and my relationships with them to grow. Jason and Jacque don't believe God exists. Michele and Cale have wandered from a personal relationship with Jesus. Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and I want them to come back and to love Jesus with us. Thank you!


Please fill out the form below to submit your prayer requests.